College students often makes a lot of effects on our socioty. First, they are prepared to go to the socioty .They will make some kinds of contribution by using what they have learned in the school during their new job,or unlucky ones may make all efforts to find a proper and satisfied job,so anyway they can always been the social focus. Second, since they are expected to make contribution,no matter great contribution or not,the education of college students has also been the social focus,including the most focusing problem of the College Entrance Examination and the process of college education.Both of this or that will make great influence to our socioty. Third,the job finding prolem of college greduates is also one of the social focus.The increasing number of college students cause the increasing need for jobs,which forms an exciting competition for chances of good jobs.
青少年犯罪是一个大家并不陌生的问题。为此,我通过走访,交谈找到了他们犯罪的一些原因: Juvenile delinquency is a familiar problem. To this end, I through visits, to find their some causes of crime: 1.好胜。某些人因为从小好胜,所以走上了犯罪的道路。 1 victory. Some people because the small victory, so the road of crime. 2.好奇。某些青少年因为好奇,走上了自我毁灭的道路。 2 curious. Some teenagers because of curiosity, embarked on a path of self-destruction. 3.好玩。青少年看惯了电视上称老大杀人,且自我强壮,便好玩被骗下山涧。 3 fun. Teen watching TV on that's murder, and self strong, he cheated of fun. 4.“乐于助人”。青少年为了在哥们中威风起来,帮孤朋狗友做见不得人的坏事。 4 is willing to help others. In order to wind up in adolescent friends, help evil friends do your thing. 5.电脑与电游。某些青少年因为某些因素,去打劫别人,使自己能玩电脑电游。 5 computers and games. Some teenagers because of some factors, rob the people, so that they can play computer games games. 6.家庭暴力。某些人因为家人打他,他实在忍不住了,便走上自亡的道路。 6 family violence. Some people because of the family call him, he couldn't help, then embarked on a path of death from the. 7.仇恨,与第六点差不多。不过不是家人打他,而是因为他对某些人有仇,想报复一下,从此走上犯罪之路。 这些原因只要触到了,那青少年的前程就被挡了,要很久才能再前进,也有可能一生前进不了。7 threat, and sixth almost. But not the family to hit him, but because he wants revenge for some people there, what, then embark on the criminal road. These reasons just touched, and the young future is blocked, it will take a long time to move on, may also have a lifetime can not enter.
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