1. you could walk through Wall-street, so pretend to be a newbie at wall-street, meeting different people, brokers, auditors, traders...etc. each of them have their own personalities, you could exaggerate them and make them funny. And also don't forget all the bankruptcy make fun of them.
2. Pretend that you can at the WTO annual meeting, and representing 6 different countries with different stakes, and coming up with a plan to revive world's economy, remember Us' huge debt? and how china is saving it by not releasing all the treasury bills, make fun of those...
3. the most simple one, pretend that you are the boss of XXX in this economy, and you want to go international, you have your CEO CFO, COO, CAO, etc. and come up with a solution as to where you would like to go which country to enter and why? research PEST of the new country and make it formal to impress your prof
Good Luck!!
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