1,应用英语专业简介 培养目标: 培养学生德、智、体、美全面发展,具有良好的综合素质和坚实的英语听、说、读、写、译的能力,熟悉工程建筑物、工程施工管理、工程投标、承包合同管理的基本理论知识和国际商务知识,服务于涉外工程翻译和管理第一线的高等技术应用型专门人才。 就业方向: (1)涉外工程企业和其它国际工程公司的翻译(口译或笔译)、涉外行政管理、 英文信息管理。 (2)每年可参加全国统一进行的专升本考试,进入本科外语专业继续深造。 (3)工程专业英语教学工作。 2.商务英语 培养目标: 本方向培养熟练掌握英语听、说、读、写、译等基础知识和较强的语言交际能力,掌握现代国际商务基础理论、熟悉国际贸易惯例和法规、具备较强的商务英语技能、商业运作能力的中、高级实用性人才。学生毕业后可在涉外经济贸易部门、外资企业及政府机构从事经济贸易、进出口单证、翻译、涉外商务谈判、报关等工作。 主干课程: 综合英语、英语口语、英语写作、英语口译、高级商务写作、商务英语、国际贸易实务、外贸函电、进出口业务与单证、国际金融、国际市场营销、国际商务、涉外谈判、办公自动化、计算机应用基础等课程。 3.总之商务英语是针对商务应用方面的英语,例如商务信函、贸易、商务谈判之类的。 应用英语比较广泛,具体内容要看你从事的专业,偏重你专业方面的。个人认为学商务英语好找工作. 学应用英语学好了出来也只能当个秘书或者翻译 学商务英语就不同了,在各个领域都应急得到 找工作非常好找 就业前景很好. 可以做对外贸易,进出口物流或者做国际贸易.英语+商务,很容易找工作;实在不行,还可以退而教书。 一般沿海城市机会会很多。。 另外,做贸易,多少可以有些回扣。 你还可以报考公务员,像外经贸委和教委等部门都需要英语翻译或是教师。 其他的就是,你可以考研,硕士毕业后到高校当英语教师。
您好,business English 顾名思义 就是在商务贸易上常用到的英语的专项学习应用英语这个更为广泛了, 它包含了商务英语,还分为旅游,科技,这些日常应用到的英语。欢迎向158教育在线知道提问
急急急!!!帮忙翻译一下下面的一段话。翻译成英文.不要用 百度翻译、有道翻译。那位外语好的帮下忙
Firstly analysis the Chinese and American cultural differences in thinking patterns and values, etc, such as the concept of time, the differences between the face view, etiquette, etc.
Based on the analysis of the proposed some Suggestions to solve the cultural conflict: apply the essence of Chinese culture, avoid overelaborate etiquette, to overcome the face of the bias.
This article expatiates the importance of negotiation thinking in business negotiations, and the influence of cultural difference to the way of thinking, from two aspects, one is positive, the analysis under the background of cross-cultural cultural differences impact on business negotiation, put forward to countermeasures of thinking mode differences in cross-cultural negotiation methods, such as to establish friendship relations, to strengthen the understanding of decision-making process, focus on legal environment and so on in different countries, aims to provide certain theoretical guidance for business negotiation activities now.
First analysis of the mode of thinking with the United States and values and other aspects of cultural differences, such as the concept of time, face view, etiquette and other differences. Propose solutions based on the analysis of cultural conflict some suggestions: flexible use of the essence of Chinese culture, to avoid harassment of etiquette, to overcome the face prejudice. This paper describes the negotiations thinking in business negotiations and the importance of cultural differences impact on the way of thinking, from the positive and negative aspects analyzed in the context of cross-cultural cultural differences impact on business negotiations, and then raised the question of cross-cultural negotiations thought Patterns countermeasure methods, such as to establish friendship relations, to strengthen the awareness of decision-making procedures, concerns the legal environment in different countries, activities aimed at business negotiations now provide some theoretical guidance.