

来源:www.callcentermkt.com   时间:2023-07-02 20:43   点击:265  编辑:admin   手机版


着装整齐 稍带点个性。客人到场时起身上前一步迎接 打招呼 比如:XX总您好!我是XX公司的XX 很荣幸能认识您并与贵公司合作、希望我们合作愉快。客人入座时把凳子稍微拉一下出来赋予语言XX总请坐 接着就可以进行你们的商务谈判,结束时可对对方说一些客气及称赞、欣赏的话语,如:XX总你真是难得的人才,今晚我很高兴能认识您这样一位才华出众又能干的朋友;非常可惜不能与您同事 XX公司有您这样一位才华出众的人才真是荣幸。接着起身送客 请慢走 下次再会 希望今后我们再多多合作。 这是我个人的见解希望能帮上您的忙


着装整齐 稍带点个性。客人到场时起身上前一步迎接 打招呼 比如:XX总您好!我是XX公司的XX 很荣幸能认识您并与贵公司合作、希望我们合作愉快。客人入座时把凳子稍微拉一下出来赋予语言XX总请坐 接着就可以进行你们的商务谈判,结束时可对对方说一些客气及称赞、欣赏的话语,如:XX总你真是难得的人才,今晚我很高兴能认识您这样一位才华出众又能干的朋友;非常可惜不能与您同事 XX公司有您这样一位才华出众的人才真是荣幸。接着起身送客 请慢走 下次再会 希望今后我们再多多合作。 这是我个人的见解希望能帮上您的忙


1. Some people think that a formal communication should be general rather than specific, some people think that he should always be formal, otherwise he will not have any weight; also stated that the official communication strategy should be noted, so that employees can avoid misunderstandings that may arise and dissatisfaction; this how do you see?

2. Business Communication What is the significance of the modern enterprise? Your business to communicate the dynamic and multi-channel nature of how this?

3. Three types of internal communication in which one of the most important? Why? (Uplink communication, downlink communication and parallel communication)

4. How do you look at the external communication? From your personal experience, how important it is in the business world?

5. Do you think how the corporate culture? The internal communication in the business, he plays what role?

6. How do you see the formal and informal communication? When we use these two concepts, we should pay attention to what?

7. Your business and communicate the relationship between the view? (Communication in the role of business activities)

8. If you are a company boss, how you intend to use in your business where the theory of business communication?


1. Some people think that a formal communication should be general rather than specific, some people think that he should always be formal, otherwise he will not have any weight; also stated that the official communication strategy should be noted, so that employees can avoid misunderstandings that may arise and dissatisfaction; this how do you see?

2. Business Communication What is the significance of the modern enterprise? Your business to communicate the dynamic and multi-channel nature of how this?

3. Three types of internal communication in which one of the most important? Why? (Uplink communication, downlink communication and parallel communication)

4. How do you look at the external communication? From your personal experience, how important it is in the business world?

5. Do you think how the corporate culture? The internal communication in the business, he plays what role?

6. How do you see the formal and informal communication? When we use these two concepts, we should pay attention to what?

7. Your business and communicate the relationship between the view? (Communication in the role of business activities)

8. If you are a company boss, how you intend to use in your business where the theory of business communication?
